We went to church this morning. Adam said he thought it was neat. Before we had moved here, Adam had emailed a lady a this church about housing and Rosamond in general. We met her and a few other people. At first glance, there didn't seem to be many people our age there, but we were assured by Jo (the lady Adam had written to) that there are TONS of people our age. She said the two best ways to meet them would be to go to the Sunday School class and join a small group. The church seemed similar to Windsor Road. It wasn't as lively this morning, but as Adam said, they've got to have their stuff together 'cause they're currently building a multi-million dollar Family Life center. I missed our music ministry in IL, but I've been to several churches, and I'm not sure there's much that would compare. We're planning on giving it at least another try to see how we fit in once we actually meet these alleged people our age. They also just started a new preschool there, and while I'm not sure that I want to be employed just yet...or full time...I talked to someone there who's the sister or sister-in-law of the director and she said she'd have her get ahold of me and we can talk about what she might need, even if part time, in the future, should I be interested. So that could be a good opportunity. I told Adam that it's definitely something I would consider...especially if I get lonely and feel like I need a purpose in life :-p.
After church, we came back and had some lunch and then unpacked a bit more (me moreso than Adam, as he stated earlier :)). At some point, I decided that our house shouldn't look completely like we just moved in since we had company coming this evening. It's starting to come together. I'm sure, someday, when we have more furniture than a couch and an entertainment center, it will look a lot more homey....but the more that we umpack, the more it feels more comfortable.

This evening, Adam's friends Steve and Bob came to visit. (Steve provided today's title). They were fun guys...both Aerospace Engineers from U of I that ended up in CA not too far from where we are now. We went to Foster's Freeze...apparently California's Original...though I'm not sure of what it's the original of. Regardless, it was really nice to see a familiar face (I hadn't met Steve, but I had met Robert a couple times before). Hopefully, there will be visits like that often 'cause it'll help me not to be as homesick.
Then Adam and I watched a documentary about a High School in Compton, CA putting on a production of Our Town. It was interesting. Now, Adam's laying on the floor with Lacy...panting and trying to stay cool. Lacy's a lot more calm in this climate. I think the heat keeps her calm...and we've had quite a bit of excitement in the past few weeks. And by the way, yes, we do have central air...but we've decided it's cheaper to sweat, so we'll deal with it to some extent...which we'll be doing a lot more of in a bit when we do some Wii Tennis playing.
I want to apologize for not keeping in better touch with people outside of this journal, for now. We've kept pretty busy with unpacking, getting organized, and running errands. I'm sure you all understand that and know it comes with the territory of moving to a new place, but I'm hoping to have a chance to at least chat or email everyone that's checked in and that we haven't had the chance to talk to in the coming weeks. Thanks again for taking the time to read this. It means a lot that you guys care :). Good night!
Good to hear the updates! Sounds like you are getting settled in. Enjoy the heat :)
ReplyDeleteHey, you guys want me to put you in touch with my cousin who's a test pilot at Edwards? He's in his thirties, married with three little kids. I think they live on base.