Then we came back, I called my mom, Adam went to the post office to mail a few things and to the trash place to set up our garbage pick up. Then we went back to computering for a while (We were not very motivated happens.) I then remembered that our KitchenAide mixer was supposed to arrive today and found the FedEx notice on the door that they had come. Expecting to find out when their next attempt would be, I found out that they delivered it purposely to the neighbors instead. I thought that was strange that they'd assumed we know and trust our neighbors. It was nice to find out that we can. I went next door and met the other neighbor (not Harry Moore). She seemed very friendly...but I can't remember her name. I need to do better with that. She did have two sons and a large dog...and offered her help if I ever need anything. I'll probably go back and say hi later next week...and actually remember her name this time.
For dinner, we had pasta with the leftover sausage, eggplant, tomato sauce thing we made yesterday...and purple potatoes. Seriously...they're purple. Look:

We bought them at the Farmers Market. They looked interesting, so we figured we'd try them out. They weren't too bad, but tasted less different than I expected them to. We decided to try a different show on Hulu, since Royal Pains wasn't quite our cup of tea, and discovered the humor of Arrested Development. We had both seen it in the past...but neither had actually watched it much. Five episodes of the first season later, I think it's fair to say we're pretty hooked.
Side note...not than any dog owner doesn't already know this...but fireworks and dogs don't mix...and for some reason, Lacy thinks it's safer upstairs.
After dinner, I got a phone call from Samantha. We got to talk for a while...and it made me miss Champaign a bit (not that she was even in Champaign...and not that I had much chance to hang out with the people that DO live there...but it's a strange pill to swallow knowing that the opportunity isn't as readily available, anymore.) It was really nice to hear from her...and only breifly interrupted by the doorbell. Some ladies from the church we went to Sunday (including the one that we had met that Adam had been in correspondance with before we moved here) came by to visit the people that were new on Sunday. It was nice of them to come by...I'm just hoping that we really do meet some people our age and feel like we fit in 'cause it's always harder to move on to a different place when you already feel somewhat established...and the more they want us to do and the more people we meet...the more I fear making someone feel bad if we don't end up feeling at home there. I guess we'll see how Sunday goes.
I suppose that's it, for now. Adam's retreated back to what we've deemed "the office" to play his airplane game, and the only way to stop is if I get off my computer, peace out for tonight.
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