Sorry about not updating about the weekend, today. I got a late start, this morning, baked some Starbucks Banana Walnut bread, got frustrated during clean up, and then found myself needing to start dinner. In any case, it will happen in the next couple days, I promise. However, so as to keep you informed, here's another fire update. I will continue to post pictures to the album on Facebook, so if you go to yesterday's entry and click the link, it should have the most recent photos included. Also, I found a better website for more detailed, accurate information...and to keep posted on evacuations. If it eases anyones fears, the evacuation places for animals are both located in Lancaster which is near us, so there's no question that it's safe for now. As far as where the evacuations are, the closest one is still over 40 miles away, and they've been good about getting people out in plenty of time. They also have said they're making it a point to work hard keeping it south of the 14 highway. Here's the link to that site, if you're curious:
And here's a picture from that site of where the fires are in comparison to us. We're in Rosamond, CA. Palmdale is about 30 miles from us.

Also, some people have asked what we would do should we need to leave (which isn't likely). Heidi has a sister in Washington that has offered her place to us if that became necessary, so that's the plan, for now. Don't be worried, though...we'll be okay and chances are slim that it would get this far, anyway. We just wanted to keep you posted so you're not concerned (hope it worked :)).
Okay, time for some rest. Have a good night!
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