The past couple days have gone by quite quickly. It's hard to believe it's already Friday. Being that it's only been two days, there's not much to say, but it seems worth saying. Wednesday, I spent most of the day uploading pictures to get them more ready to start printing and working on our wedding album. That evening, we had dinner and then went to see Colton's pumpkins and head to Fosters Freeze for some ice cream. Then we headed home and watched the finale of Hell's Kitchen. We're on a mission, now, to figure out how to get on the show to eat in the dining room, next season. We'll see how far we get.
Yesterday was the real reason for writing this entry. Adam spent the day at work doing whatever it is he does at work. I watched Glee and then headed with Heidi and the boys to story time at the library. (I just wanted to get out of the house for a while.) Afterwards, we went to the park for a while with one of the boys Colton knows from his Sunday school class. When I got home, I got ready to meet up with Adam and go meet Chuck Yeager.
Like most events Adam's invited to through work, this one wasn't very "organized" in the sense of there being any sort of schedule or agenda. In fact, though most of the people who work there were invited, it was mostly only test pilots in their green suits and colonels, lieutenants, (important people), etc that were actually there. I found one that I kinda "know" from our days at Wayside Chapel, and asked him what the protocol was for meeting Mr. Yeager (being that he had been there for quite a while, at this point, and we had seen him talking to other people, but we didn't know how or if it was even okay to just approach him. After we were given the "just go say hello. Don't be shy." I was determined. Adam and his friends were, too...but in a much more passive, if we don't get to....whatever, kind of way. We ended up talking to a bomber pilot...quite entertaining, I might add...and entertaining HIM by forming a strategy. After pondering different ways to wedge ourselves in between the commander and Yeager for a quick hello and picture, I finally went up and tapped one on the shoulder and asked if we might be able to get a quick photo. Of course, we were helped out a bit by some fighter pilots that asked first and broke up the conversation. So we got our picture...and Adam got to talk to Yeager (who Adam says is actually pretty nice, even though Adam had no idea what he was talking about)...I told him that Colin said hi (even though he didn't really seem to know how to react to that)...and we parted ways. I could tell Adam thought it was cool to have met him, and that he would've been disappointed if we hadn't been able to talk to him....hence my determination to get to him despite ranking of said officials. I'm glad we went, as awkward and out of place as we felt.
And now to start a hopefully equally worthwhile Friday (though it won't include meeting world famous legends :)). Have a great weekend!
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