Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2:55 p.m. (Mountain Time) I’m officially further west than I’ve ever been. I realized earlier that this is only my second one-way trip of my life (and Adam's first)…which is a really weird feeling. I kept thinking things like, maybe we’ll see that on the way back…then realizing we’re not going back. New Mexico has proven to be more challenging driving than the roads of Illinois. Adam doesn’t seem as phased by it (though he did just admit that “this is kind of a scary road” as he was driving), but I don’t like not being able to see where the road is going when you’re going around curves or up mountains. I suppose you get used to it. The scenery has been much more enticing than the Midwestern drives I’m used to. Of course, some of the coolest parts happened while I was driving, but here's some of what I could catch on "film".

Lacy has been super tired today. George slept most of the time anyway, but we’re pretty sure Lacy hasn’t slept much at all and it’s starting to catch up with her. They both did well at the hotel, last night. Lacy only barked a couple of times. We played the “Dog Ease” CD on repeat to keep her relaxed (thanks Sheila). George doesn’t care wear he is as long as there’s room to lay down, food, and water he can spill all over the place.

Adam hasn’t puked yet, either, thanks to Tums and Dramamine. So far, we’re chocking it up to being car sick, but we’ll see how the rest of the day goes.

7:45 Pacific Time- We made it to Flagstaff. We're tired. That's about it. G'nite.

Sidenotes: Adam made it the whole day without getting sick...and we did actually drive through Winona (how could I forget Winona?! :-p), and stopped in Gallup where we actually drove on Route 66 shortly. I thought about my dad...he would've loved making it the whole way.

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