Today, we kept pretty busy, and again were successful in wearing ourselves out. We made it Sunday school a few minutes late...but we don't usually start on time, anyway...so that was okay. After a lesson and some donuts, we went to service...followed by going to a friend's for a Christening and some lunch. We left very full and with plenty of food to take home with us, too. Thus, we've opted out of grocery shopping this week in lieu of leftovers (and dinner with the Lucas Family on Wednesday). It was nice to hang out with some people from church and get to know them a bit better. When that wrapped up, we came back home and dropped off the food, let out the dog, and collected our dirty clothes before going for our now weekly trip to the laundromat. It didn't take long since we didn't have as much to do this week, so we came home, and finished up thank yous, watched a little tv, and relaxed the evening away.
We feel pretty lucky that we have already found a dog-loving family to swap dog-sitting with. It's always hard to find people you trust and know are used to dogs enough to be able to handle your's. Therefore, the fact that we've found one after a little over a month of living here is pretty sweet! Heidi and Jedd (and Jack and Colton) have a huge dog name Molly. Adam and I decided she's actually not that much bigger than Lacy, probably...but her head is large :-p. Unbeknownst to either of them...Lacy and Molly will be meeting each other on Wednesday. We're hoping they like each other enough to co-exist during the times we are swapping dogsitting...but we don't live that far from each other, if it doesn't work out. We'll see how things go on Wednesday and play it by ear from there.
It's been a good day. Have a good night!
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