Today, I felt very lazy. I think the most productive thing I did (other than taking my clothes from the garage upstairs to our room...and throwing them in a basket to take care of later) was making homemade pretzels. They turned out pretty well and tasted equally good.

It has come to my attention that people would like recipes for some of the things I've made...and if that's the case, feel free to send me an email and I'll send you the one you're interested in. Besides violating would take too long to post them all up on here, but I'll send them to you if you request them.
I learned an important lesson, today. Never check Facebook before you watch a show with a finale that you don't want to know about. Someone on your facebook is bound to be too excited to hold back details...and then the surprise is ruined. (If you're a Hell's Kitchen fan...don't tell us what happened until Thursday :)).
That's about it for now. We're gonna head to bed early tonight to try and catch up on the rest we apparently didn't get enough of this weekend. Peace out.
I'd love the recipes for the soft pretzels and the fortune cookies if you get a chance! I have enjoyed reading your blog, by the way. Its been nice to read about how you guys are doing!