Then I went to Best Buy...which doesn't open until 10...or 10:05ish in this case. I was the 2nd person in line at the Geek Squad counter, but of course someone who had gotten there far after I had butted in front of me...grr. All I had gone for was to trade in a faulty Wii Remote for a new one like the dude on the phone said I could. After a good 15 minutes or so of confusion, the woman behind me getting pissed at me (seriously) and the guy asking a lot of repetitve questions...he told me that my warranty was a product replacement one and the only way he could replace it was if I bring the entire system in...and they'd give me a new one. Doesn't it make a lot more sense business and budget wise for them just to give me a new remote and not lose the money on an entire system? Whatever.
By the time I got home, I was pretty tired and cranky. So, naturally, I ate some cookie dough :-p...and my left over eggplant parmesean. I watched the view...and then I decided to start a new drawing. I thought it might make me feel a bit better...and it did. I probably won't take pictures of it every step of the way...but sometimes it's fun to see what my pictures look like now compared to the finished product. It maks me feel better, sometimes, about the way they end up turning out. Here's the start of the first E.Kuester drawing of my life:

I also found time, today, to start working on figuring out our wedding album out a bit, repot some plants in hopes they'll be revived, make a very good grilled chicken salad for dinner, do some dishes, and attempt to conserve as much energy as possible since we both ended up getting up earlier than normal so Adam could get a ride to work...(and I didn't take my usual 7-8 nap...which usually gets me through the day in higher spirits.
While repotting plants...I inadvertantly sat in the grass. Normally, I would love that. I love the way grass feels. But ever since we moved here (and perhaps it's this type of grass...I don't know) I have had a sudden allergy to grass. It doesn't effect me if I just walk in it, but if I sit in it, my legs break out and get all itchy...and then for a good 20-30 minutes or so, end up looking like this:

It's not exactly fun. And you'd think with a result like that, I wouldn't forget as readily as I did, today. Oh well...
Back to the car. We got a replacement cylander that you can set to your keys you already have...thereby saving us the money and trouble to get new keys programmed (Ford keys have to be programmed to your car or they won't work) and the inconvenience of having a seperate key for the doors and the ignition. Adam had the old one out and the new one constructed and put back in in a little over an hour. And considering the price of the part, he probably saved us a good chunk of dough. Speaking of which...our electric bill was WAY cheaper than we expected it to be. Granted, it didn't include the gas bill...which we're used to both being combined...but we were both pleseantly surprised by the amount.
Well, it's time to sign off and get some rest. Who knows what tomorrow has in store. Adam will have the car once again...and I will continue to delve into the world of Domestic Engineering. G'nite folks.
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