Sidenote: We're not sure it actually reached 100 today...if this is, infact, true...that would be a first in over a month.
Adam's not feeling so well, right now...which stinks. We don't really think he's SICK though...just more so had too much grease, today. You'll understand that as you read on.
In other news, we had a pretty fun day...which was nice after the night we had had. Sunday school was very interesting. We've started learning a bit about Hebrews, and today we talked about the history behind the chapter and what life was like when it was written. (You'd love this class, Ben :)). In addition to learning a lot...we also eat a lot. Today, Mike brought a homemade breakfast pizza with lots of cheese, cream cheese, sausage, eggs, etc. Paul also brought some homemade "sweet kind of sweet bread type's really more of a muffin in bread form" that Bethany made. We, of course, had to eat that, too.
After church...we went to the Lucas' to take care of Molly. We're not gonna lie...we had a lot of fun with her. (More later.)
Adam's Aunt Julie and Uncle Jack came into town for a few hours to visit. They got to see our place, see a bit of Rosamond, ask Adam questions about his job...and then we traversed together to Palmdale for a late lunch. We ended up eating at Johnny Carino's, which is an Italian restaurant that really believes in garlic and oil...yet another part of why Adam isn't feeling so hot. He had a panini...and homemade potato chips...which probably did him in. But we had a good time...and at the time, enjoyed our meals, for the most part. It was fun to get to visit with them. It's always nice to see familiar faces around these parts.

This is Adam showing Julie and Jack about the airplane he'll be working on in his obnoxiously large airplane book that my mom so kindly bestowed on us :). You could only consider it a coffee table book because you could literally use it as a coffee table.
After Jack and Julie left, we decided we should probably do some laundry. So we did...and then went to pay Molly one last visit before the Lucas Family got back from their trip. She was pretty funny. A lot of times, she just lays around, but she seemed to be really happy to see us. She did a good bit of laying around, too...but a lot of the time, she sat with us...put her head in our laps, followed us around outside...but our most favorite, entertaining thing to do with her was to get her to shake. This seems like a pretty standard dog trick, these days...but somehow...When a dog is HUGE and uses great force and intensity in getting her paw in becomes way more amusing. Heidi said you have to be careful or she could take you're arm off if you're not expecting it.:
I mean...come on...that's entertaining. (Or maybe you had to be there, but these movies will always put a smile on my face.) As will this:

I think that was probably the most fun I've ever had dogsitting (Sorry Abby and Bella...). Once we got home, we ate a Farmer's Market Avacado for dinner (we weren't really that hungry after lunch...and I didn't even eat half of mine)...and followed up with some of our free pint of Starbucks Java Chip Ice Cream (AMAZING! Adam thought it was a little strong on the coffee flavor...but come on...that's the point....though it probably doesn't help his unsettled stomach much...then again, that orange juice probably didn't do much good, either.) After some TV...we played a little Wii...which, in hindsight, probably wasn't a good idea for him...but it didn't really hit him much until we were already into it a bit. After a couple games of tennis and bowling, he was done for...and is currently fighting hiccups in addition to everything else :-p. I said...all in all, we had a great day...and Adam will be fine in a hopefully tomorrow will be another of the same. Welcome Home Lucas'...and have a great night!
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