Friday, July 31, 2009

It's been kind of a long feeling week, but alas, it is the weekend. We have a busy weekend in store with Adam's aunt and uncle visiting, dogsitting Molly, going to the Farmer's Market, bank, possibly Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Best Buy, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and anything else that might come our way...but that's tomorrow, and we're not there yet :).

I'm pretty drained, at the moment. I think the McDonald's workout DVD has a good deal to do with that. It was seriously challenging...not at all what I expected. I'm going to make Adam do it with me sometime so he can appreciate how hard I worked :-p. Of course, I did pick the "I'm up for a challenge" feature over "Ease me into it," but in my defense, I was thinking...How hard could a workout DVD from MCDONALD'S be?!! I guess I got owned on that one.

Other things I accomplished today included making some chocolate chip cookie dough (this time from the recipe on the Ghirardelli chips that were on clearance at Target). I say dough because I actually froze all but 3 cookies (and the dough consumed in the process) worth. I waited until Adam was home to bake the three cookies so I wasn't the only one to appreciate the fresh baked-ness...and so I wouldn't eat more than I needed to.

I also vacuumed (it's amazing how much these animals shed...then again, I suppose we ARE in the desert), caught up with a couple people on the internet, read for a bit, played with Lacy in an attempt to wear her out before Adam got home, caught up on yesterday's news on "The View" online, beat my reigning contender on Bejeweled, cleaned up after Lacy when she got mildly sick for a bit (she's fine now), did some dishes, made dinner with Adam, watched a little of our new favorite show on Hulu ("Three Sheets"'s about drinking customs around the world...and while we don't even consume ANY amount of alcohol on a regular basis...much less the amount the host of this show does, it is interesting and entertaining. Don't knock it until you try it :)), paid some bills, got the mail, applied for Renter's Insurance, and, of course, wrote this journal entry.


Adam, again, worked on getting familiar with his job...and doing engineer type things.

And for an added twist for journals to come...feel free to submit any questions you have and we'll do our best to answer them :).

Happy Friday, and Goodnight!

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