Thursday, July 9, 2009

Short one, tonight...but I had to report the good news. I know the neighbor's name! :). This was fairly exciting to me considering all the mishaps...and I don't think I'll forget, it now (though if I do, it's in writing, so I can refer back to it.) She (Marie) and her daughter Kylie came over, this afternoon, with a plant and a thank you card for the cookies. We talked for a bit. Her husband works at Edwards. He was in the Air Force for 20 years, then retired, and now works there as a civilian. They seem really nice, and it'll be nice to have "real" neighbors for once...not just people I live next door to.

We also have several upcoming visits to look forward to:
-Adam's aunt and uncle Julie and Jack
-Our friend Andy Rice from Champaign
-Our friend Candace from Champaign

It'll be nice to see some familiar faces...and it's been fun meeting new ones.

That's all for tonight. Peace.

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