Lacy meeting their dog didn't go as well as hoped. We had some idea that it might not go swimmingly since Lacy isn't really a huge fan of dogs that are bigger than her. It wasn't bad...and if Lacy wasn't so possessive about balls she's playing with...and actually was social with other dogs (we've tried hard to get her more social...but even when we had her at the dog park and DIDN'T bring a ball...she's just spend the whole time looking for one until she found one)...I think they would've done fine. Perhaps in time they'll win each other over. Regardless, we'll be watching Molly next week while the Lucas' are on vacation. She's a good dog, so it shouldn't be hard at all...and we're always happy to find people to trade dogsitting with. Here's a picture of our newest furry friend:

In other news, I had a pretty full day. I generally take a short nap after Adam gets off to work so I'm not too tired and in the best mood possible (I NEED my sleep), but couldn't sleep this I opted to watch "The Bachlorette:After the Final Rose" instead. I'm sorry, it's addictive. By the time I finished that, had some pizza for breakfast, and got myself in some sort of acceptable form, Heidi, Colton, and Jack came to pick me up for my first babysitting gig in CA. Originally, I was going to stay with them while their mom went to the doctor, but we ended up going with so we could go to lunch afterwards. They did really well, considering the amount of time it took for them to get Heidi in. Colton has a very vivid imagination that came up with things like robotic black widow spider...a pocket-sized sheep and pig that are now his pets...and me losing to him in Hangman because he thought I was keeping track of what the word that he came up with was, though I didn't have any idea...nor did he, apparently. It makes it easier to lose in Hangman when you know the only objective was for me to lose :-p. Jack is fun, too. He likes to be just like his big brother, but sometimes he says some stuff that's pretty funny.
So after a good two or three hours of imaginiation, games, losing a Pass the Pigs pig (which surprisingly was more exciting than disappointing because it meant that both boys MUST be magic), and Hangman...we went to lunch...and then headed home.
In the couple hours between returning home and dinner, I was able to straighten up the office, clean the catbox, clean the backyard, put dishes in the dishwasher, and rebuild my drawing table. Adam admitted that, though he said he would, he didn't really feel like putting it together...which I gathered since it was still in it's a good thing I did it. I think I might take a crack at drawing again tomorrow. When you're home by yourself most of the wouldn't hurt to have a good creative outlet for all the thoughts you suddenly have time to entertain.
Anyway, we're home now. We're going to get a later start on getting to bed than normal, but it was good to bond...and to see Adam bond with the boys. I always enjoy watching him interact with kids. It was funny when I told him he could come inside and he opted out for throwing rocks at plastic bottles with Colton, followed by playing "soccer" with them once they did come inside. Needless to say, they took a liking to Adam pretty quickly.
Adam seemed to have a good day at work. He's doing a lot more specific things, lately, so other than telling you that he's enjoying his job, gets to do and learn a lot of neat things, and comes home generally excited about what he's doing...there's not many details to be disclosed. But rest assured...he's enjoying himself.
I think we'll wrap things up for tonight. If I get a drawing accomplished, I'll share, but we'll see how tomorrow goes. Oh, and toe is much better. It's still a little stiff, but then, so is my finger that a student of mine jammed months ago by pulling on it. Such is life. Have a great night and an even better tomorrow. Peace out.
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